Your ClickBank Account

What is ClickBank?

ClickBank is the 3rd party payment processor and distributor which handles all The Online Dog Trainer products. ClickBank ensures that you receive your well-deserved commissions – every two weeks, on the button!

To get started as a ClickBank affiliate, first you’ll need to create a free account. Fill out the ClickBank signup form, which takes just a couple of minutes and is 100% free. You’ll then receive an email with an 8-digit confirmation code you’ll need to enter to complete the signup process.

Create your personal affiliate links

Once you’ve created your account, you can start earning money from our products almost straight away! You just need to make your ‘hoplinks’.

So that the system knows you were the one responsible for generating the sale, ClickBank gives you a special link to our sales page (your affiliate URL) which ClickBank calls a hoplink.

A ClickBank hoplink for The Online Dog Trainer, for example, looks like this


ClickBankNickname” is replaced with your own unique affiliate ID, which ClickBank calls a ‘nickname‘. So for example, if you’ve chosen to make your affiliate nickname ‘dogsrock’ your hoplink will look like this…


When a customer clicks on your hoplink, a ‘cookie’ is stored on their computer which is active for 60 days. This cookie remembers your ClickBank nickname so if the customer purchases the product within this 60 day period you will receive commission on that sale.

Tracking Your Sales

What’s more you can keep an eye on sales by logging in to your ClickBank account. Once the visitor decides to purchase a membership to The Online Dog Trainer product they are sent to a secure ClickBank checkout page where they fill in their payment details. Once payment is processed, ClickBank then sends 70% of the sale to you and the remaining 30% (less ClickBank Admin fees) goes to The Online Dog Trainer. ClickBank then issues you with a check if you have made over $100 worth of sales in that ClickBank pay period.

Being an affiliate of a ClickBank product is super simple and a great way make a lot of money with little or no overheads.

At any stage of the process you can check out ClickBank’s Help Centre here.